Vision Australia is the sole beneficial owner of the assets of the Vision Australia Trust. The Vision Australia Foundation is the Trustee of the Trust and operates pursuant to the Trust Deed and a Charter established by Vision Australia for the conduct of the Trustee.
The Vision Australia Foundation Board of Directors are as follows:
To assist the Vision Australia Limited Board in fulfilling its duties it has established three committees whose membership is as follows:
Audit Finance and Business Risk Committee
- Sue Banks - Chair
- John Ratna
- John Paterson
- Stephen O'Brien
- Bill Jolley
- Michael Gordon
- Associate Professor Julian Rait
- Ron Hooton (Ex-officio)
Client Services Committee
- Cameron Roles - Chair
- Bill Jolley
- Professor Sharon Bentley
- Darren Fittler
- Professor Linda Agnew
- Amber Collins
- Ron Hooton (Ex-officio)
People and Culture Committee
- Professor Sharon Bentley - Chair
- Bill Jolley
- Cameron Roles
- Professor Linda Agnew
- Ron Hooton (Ex-officio)