On this page

Suggest a book

To recommend a book you can’t find in our collection please Contact the Library and we will do our best to source it and add it to the collection  

DAISY player help

If you need technical help with your DAISY player please refer to the DAISY training guides. Or if you would like to book an over-the-phone DAISY training session please contact the library

Join a book club

To join a book club, or start your own, please contact the library. Access to book clubs are available free to Vision Australia library members. We support many book clubs around Australia and supply books for them. These include public library book clubs, Seeing Eye Dog associations, U3A groups and Vision Australia Telelink book groups.  Vision Australia book clubs are listed by state or region, under community groups.  


Effective 1 July 2024, due to contractual changes, Vision Australia Library will no longer be able to offer no-cost membership of Bookshare.  

In future, Vision Australia members with a qualifying condition can register themselves for Individual Membership of Bookshare.  

Bookshare is a US-based organisation that provides access to synthetic voice DAISY and braille format books. It has over 1.2 million titles including bestsellers, children’s books, educational titles, and career resources. If you are a student, or like non-fiction, Bookshare may be of interest to you.  

To sign up for Bookshare, go to their global signup page

  1. See if you qualify for Bookshare  
  2. Select your Subscription type (US $79.99 per annum for people living in Australia, correct as at 1 July 2024)  
  3. Submit proof of your qualifying condition  
  4. Complete your membership and pay.

Copying and reproduction the accessible formats

Library members can request copying and reproduction of personal documents and material into alternative formats like Braille, large print, audio and e-text. For more information please refer to Alternate format productions you can also contact us here.


Please contact the library if you have feedback on our library service including available titles, online catalogue, app, customer service, DAISY players and more.

Contact the library

For more information on Vision Australia’s Library service call 1300 654 656 or contact the Library. You can also connect with our services here.