Our Services

Digital Access at Vision Australia is an industry leader in the provision of digital accessibility services, equally addressing the needs of all disability groups. 

Our range of services will help you make your digital assets, such as websites, documents, ATMs, kiosks and mobile apps, accessible to everyone. Our advice is based on expert knowledge of WCAG 2.1 conformance, as well as accessibility and inclusive design best practices gained from over 20 years of research and user testing across various disability groups.

Find the right support for you

No matter what level of vision you have, Vision Australia can support you to life the life you choose.

We are the leading national provider of vision loss support and services and work with people of all ages and stages of life. From learning skills for daily tasks around the home, to discovering the latest assistive technology. From building skills to travel independently in your community to finding others to socialise and connect with. We also have specialised services for children, supporting them to reach their full potential.