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New to NDIS

NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme. The scheme aims to provide support to Australians with disability, through individually tailored funding packages.

You will need to meet the following criteria:

  • be under 65 years of age when you apply
  • be a permanent resident or citizen of Australia
  • have one or more permanent disabilities

The NDIS will continue with you past the age of 65. For those over 65 who do not receive any NDIS funding, there is disability support available to you via My Aged Care. 

Vision Australia is a registered NDIS provider and offers services, advice, and assistive technology to help people who are blind or have low vision access and fully participate in the aspects of life they choose to.  

Our therapy services fall under 'Capacity Building, Improved Daily Living' in your NDIS plan. 

You can use your funding on items or services listed as approved supports and meet the reasonable and necessary funding criteria.  

This can include services like:

  • Assistive technology
  • Gardening
  • Cleaning
  • Orientation and mobility services
  • Orthoptics
  • Occupational therapy
  • Seeing Eye Dogs – purchasing a seeing eye dog and ongoing training
  • Support workers

You can view a more comprehensive list via the NDIS website at https://ourguidelines.ndis.gov.au/would-we-fund-it/what-does-ndis-fund.

Services from Vision Australia do incur a fee. There are several ways you can fund the support, services and products you need within your NDIS plan. Please contact us on 1300 847 466 to discuss your funding options.

Call the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) at 1800 800 110 or contact your local NDIS partner. They can help you connect with local disability supports or guide you through the NDIS application process if you're eligible. 

Using your plan

There are four support categories in your plan.

  • Core: This funding covers support for everyday activities and doesn’t necessarily need to focus on skill-building. You can use your core supports budget for things like social and community support or low-cost technology.
  • Capital: Long term investments such as complex assistive technology and home modifications.
  • Capacity Building: Funding for supports including assessments, training or therapy to maintain and increase skills to be independent
  • Recurring: Funding for everyday transport. 

Depending on your circumstances, you may have a plan duration of up to three years, though it is likely that your first plan will only be for one year.

A long plan duration would suit those who have support needs which are unlikely to change, or who are focused on achieving longer term goals.

Complex assistive technology includes items costing over $1500, as well as those that are difficult to set up or use, or custom-made or specifically configured for you. 

Before purchasing complex assistive technology under your NDIS plan, the NDIA requires an assessment to ensure the equipment is suitable and meets your needs.

Unspent funds at the end of your plan will not roll over to the next one. Vision Australia can help you maximise your supports with any remaining funding to ensure you're making the most of your plan.

Billing depends on how you choose to manage your plan. The frequency of billing depends on your providers and the frequency of services you use.

If you are self-managed, invoices will be sent directly to you by your providers.

If you are plan-managed, your providers will send invoices to your nominated plan manager, who will pay them on your behalf.

If you are NDIA managed, invoices will be sent to the NDIA, who will pay them on your behalf.

At your planning meeting with the NDIA, you can request your plan to be sent to you in your preferred format. The NDIA offers a variety of accessible formats, speak to your NDIS contact to learn more.

Changing Your Plan

There are various ways that your plan can be reviewed:

Types of Plan Reviews

Scheduled Plan Review

At the end of your current plan, you will have a plan review with the NDIA. This is an opportunity to discuss how well your supports are working and set new goals for your next plan. Your plan budget may increase, decrease, or remain the same based on your circumstances and goals. The first review typically occurs after one year, but you can request a longer duration for future plans if your support needs are unlikely to change significantly.

Change of Circumstances Review

If something changes in your life that affects your needs or supports, you should inform the NDIA. This could include changes to your support needs, care arrangements, or living situation. You can contact the NDIA by phone, email, or in person at your local office. You can also complete a Change of Circumstances form online.  

You can apply for this review at any time during your plan.

Internal Review of a Planning Decision

If you disagree with a decision made about your plan, such as a denial of NDIS access or dissatisfaction with the funding provided, you can request an internal review.

Contact the NDIA by phone, email, or in person at your local office to learn more or begin the review process. 

If you are unhappy with the outcome of an internal review, you can apply to the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) for an external review of the decision. The ART is an independent tribunal that is separate from the NDIA.  

You must go through the NDIA’s internal review process before you can apply to the ART.

For information about applying for an ART review, visit the ART website

Visit www.ndis.gov.au or call the National Disability Insurance Agency on 1800 800 110 between 8am and 8pm (EST) on weekdays.

You can also download the My NDIS mobile app to keep track of your budget, plan information, personal details, and make and manage claims (for self-managed plans). Visit the NDIS online at the link below to learn more: https://www.ndis.gov.au/participants/using-your-plan/managing-your-plan/my-ndis-mobile-app