On this page

Thank you for registering your interest in our accessibility resources. Below you will find links to our tools, tip sheets and other resources.

Tools to download

Web Accessibility Toolbar (WAT) for IE

Un-install previous version of the toolbar before installing this version. During install and un-install ensure that Internet Explorer is closed.

Additional info: How do I know if my windows version is 32 or 64 bit?

Download the Web Accessibility Toolbar

Colour Contrast Analyser for Web Pages

Additional info: About the Colour Contrast Analyser and How to use the Colour Contrast Analyser

ColourMap - Colour Blind Helper

Webmaster version JavaScript file is available here: colourmapWebmaster.zip


The JavaScript file is available via this link: vaautocomplete.zip.

Accessible YouTube player

Update: This accessible player has become obsolete because YouTube now uses the HTML5 player in major browsers. The YouTube HTML5 player has a good level of accessibility and can be used as is.

If you wish to install the YouTube player, download flashcontrolsII.swf and vayoutube.js.zip, extract the JavaScript and Flash file and install as per instructions on main page. 

Tip sheets


