Event Description
The Library team are excited to invite you to join our new programme, Book Chat with the Vision Australia Library.
Join us online for a quarterly book chat, to hear our talented librarians provide a review of newly released books. We’ll discuss the author, their previous works, and most importantly…. deliver a no holds barred appraisal of their new novel!
And then it’s your turn! We’re inviting library members to share what they’ve been reading and provide a review of their most recent read. This is your opportunity to don a rumpled tweed jacket with leather elbow patches, position those vintage horn-rimmed glasses on the tip of your nose, nod thoughtfully and become an accomplished book reviewer for an hour!
If everyone gives a review of one book they’ve enjoyed reading, you’re sure to walk away with a wealth of reading ideas! If you would prefer to sit back and listen, that’s perfectly fine...every reviewer needs an audience!
Who is it for?
Our Autumnal April Book Chat is a wonderful opportunity for our Vision Australia Library members and librarians to come together for a fun and informal chat about our favourite books.
We warmly welcome all our members to join us, irrespective of the depth of breadth of your bookshelf. Take an hour out of your day, relax and join us to chat about our shared passion…..books!