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2022 Vision Australia Careers Sampler - Volunteer Mentor Expression of Interest
2022 Careers Sampler - Mentors expression of interest
Your details
Phone number:*
Your location (City and State)
1. Have you started or completed high school, TAFE, university, or any other qualification or training? Please describe.
2. What support did you receive in these environments?
3. Was there any specialised equipment required for this education or training? Have you had to modify or adapt any of this equipment?
4. Do you use any additional adaptive technology?
5. Are there any skills that you have had to develop or that have been useful in your education and training experiences - such as braille, orientation and mobility, social skills, study skills, time management, organisation?
Current Job or Career
1. What is your current job title? Where do you work?
2. What is your pattern of work: casual, part-time, full-time, contract, other?
3. What qualifications or training did you need to get your job such as TAFE, university, other? Were there any other applicant requirements? Please describe.
4. Was there any on-the-job training when you started? Please describe.
5. What are your main job tasks? Describe a typical day.
6. What is your favourite part of your job? What is your least favourite part of your job?
7. What are the easiest and hardest parts of your job?
8. Does your job require the use of any special tools or technology? Have you had to modify or adapt any of this equipment? Please describe.
9. Do you use any additional adaptive technology? Please describe.
10. Are there parts of your job for which you require additional support or assistance from your colleagues or workplace? Why or Why not?
Past Work Experience
1. Before your current job, had you held any other positions such as a part-time job, volunteer work?
2. Did any of these positions help you gain your current position?
3. Were there any skills or contacts that you developed in these jobs that are useful in your current position?
Free time
In your free time, are you involved in any hobbies or activities that you feel would be interesting or relevant to this audience? For example, have they taught you skills that have come in handy or helped you meet people that were relevant to your career aspirations?
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