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Under the My Aged Care scheme, Vision Australia can now offer a range of its specialised blindness and low vision services to older people who wish to remain independent in their own homes. 

Support from Vision Australia staff, including occupational therapists, orientation and mobility specialists and adaptive technology specialists is now available to Darwin residents or those who live within 100 kilometres of the city, provided they are eligible for My Aged Care.

“Commonwealth Home Support Programs are designed to help provide older Australians with the skills and support that will help them to remain safe and independent in their own home,” Laree Verra, Vision Australia Northern Territory Regional Manager, said. 

“Living with blindness or low vision can be a challenge to doing that, but our staff can provide people with expert advice and support around what steps they should take, whether it be incorporating adaptive technology, home modifications or learning how to safely navigate in and around their home,” Ms Verra said. 

On the ground staff in Darwin will provide the bulk of the support services, with staff from Vision Australia’s Queensland centres set to conduct fly-in fly-out services if demand necessitates it. 

Under the My Aged Care scheme, people may be eligible for a Commonwealth Home Support Program if they are 65 years or older, or 50 years or older and identify as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person.

“Ideally, eligible people need to go through the My Aged Care registration and assessment process and this is something Vision Australia can also support people with,” Ms Verra said.

“Our staff are across all the ins and outs of My Aged Care and can answer any questions people may have about the scheme and how it can support them. The earlier people come to us, the better we can help them in determining how they can make the most out of their vision, My Aged Care and our services,” she said.

Vision Australia is a leading national provider of blindness and low vision services. We work in partnership with Australians who are blind or have low vision to help them live the life they choose. For more information about Vision Australia and My Aged Care visit us at www.visionaustralia.org or call 1300 88 70 58.