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Blind and low vision voters will be denied the ability to vote independently, secretly and verifiably at the 2023 state election unless the NSW Government takes urgent action.

The NSW Electoral Commission has suspended the use of iVote until after the 2023 election, removing the only option many people who are blind or have low vision had to cast an independent, secret and verifiable vote without the involvement of a third party.

“This announcement is extremely disappointing because it is a significant step backwards for NSW voters who are blind or have low vision,” Bruce Maguire, Vision Australia lead policy advisor, said

"When iVote was introduced it gave the blind and low-vision community access to an independent, secret and verifiable vote for the first time in Australian history, and now that access is going to be taken away from us," Bruce said.

“iVote was introduced to uphold the rights of people who are blind or have low vision, and the NSW government has failed them by not ensuring the system is maintained and fit for purpose.

“With iVote, I was able to complete a ballot on my own, double check that it was correct and then verify that it had been submitted. Alternatives like telephone voting mean I need to tell a third party who I want to vote for and have no reliable means to verify that my vote has been cast in the way I want.”

The ability to independently cast a secret and verifiable vote is the cornerstone of any legitimate election and people who are blind or have low vision must not be denied that on the basis of their disability.

“If iVote is no longer fit for purpose, the NSW government must provide a suitable alternative for the blind and low vision community.

“People who are blind or have low vision have the same voting rights as anyone else, and those rights must be respected and upheld. It’s simply unacceptable to strip that from our community with no assurance that an equivalent alternative will be put in place for the next election.”


Further media enquiries: Phil McCarroll, 0416 632 253.

About Vision Australia

Vision Australia is a leading provider of blindness related services. We offer a wide range of services, equipment and training so people who are blind or have low vision can live the life they choose.

Whether it’s at home, work, school or in the community, our expert staff provide clients across all age groups with skills and tools to help lead active, safe and independent lives.

Visit our website at www.visionaustralia.org.