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November 5, is International Volunteer Managers Day (IVMD).

At Vision Australia, we have a dedicated team made up of 17 volunteer partnership coordinators and coordinators of volunteers who manage all the volunteers who support Vision Australia, Vision Australia Radio and Seeing Eye Dogs.

Our volunteer partnership coordinators and coordinators of volunteers support volunteers to deliver much needed services that help to enhance the lives of our clients and support all areas of the business.

What Is Excellence? – Pushing us beyond the ordinary

The theme for IVMD this year is “What Is Excellence? – Pushing us beyond the ordinary”.

Our volunteer partnership coordinators and coordinators of volunteers perform their roles with excellence every day.

COVID-19 and the additional work that has been required of our volunteer partnership coordinators and coordinators of volunteers during this time is just one example of the ways they go beyond the ordinary to perform their roles.

“COVID-19 has impacted our ability to engage our volunteers face-to-face as much as we would like, and as much as we know our volunteers would love,” volunteer partnerships director, Dr Theresa Ruig said.

“However, to ensure our volunteers have remained engaged and connected to Vision Australia, our volunteer coordinators have gone above and beyond in keeping in touch with our volunteer family, through regular phone calls, our monthly newsletter, local/regional bulletin updates, our volunteer Facebook page, and regular Zoom catch-ups with inspiring and fascinating speakers.”

In their own words

To celebrate International Volunteer Managers Day, our volunteer partnership coordinators and coordinators of volunteers have shared what they love most about their role managing volunteers.

Dr Theresa Ruig Volunteer partnerships director I really enjoy hearing about the rich tapestry that represents the diverse backgrounds, skills and motivations of our volunteers. Their commitment and dedication to their role is inspirational.
Sally Thompson

Volunteer partnership coordinator: Wollongong, Canberra, Orange, Perth

I love my job because I get to work with people every day who generously give their time and skills to support our clients.
Deborah Gates Volunteer partnerships lead/Volunteer partnerships coordinator: Bendigo Mildura I love that no day is the same!  I get to work with a team of people that inspire an encourage me, and I work for an organisation that puts people first.
Cassie Hassall Volunteer partnerships lead I love that my role involves me in every part of the business.
Leonie Carrington Volunteer partnership coordinator: Warragul My role gives me the opportunity to meet, mix with and support people with such great hearts and generous spirits. It’s rewarding to support my volunteer team in their desire to positively contribute to the lives of others. The commitment and passion of volunteers is really uplifting.
Lauren Cockerell Coordinator of volunteers: Seeing Eye Dogs I love working with the passionate volunteers and carers who give so much to Seeing Eye Dogs. For our volunteers, volunteering is a way of life, and that commitment is just so inspiring.
Rebecca Hobson Volunteer partnership coordinator: Ringwood

I love meeting people from all walks of life, getting to know them and watching them getting back twofold what the organisation receives from them.

Pam Power Volunteer partnership coordinator: Albury, Shepparton, Wagga Wagga I love seeing how much volunteers get out of their roles. Hearing how they have not only positively impacted a client’s life but theirs also.
Anastasia Devaroh-Caputo Volunteer partnership coordinator: Kooyong  I meet and talk to so many interesting people! It’s an exciting environment to be in where people share their stories, ideas and passions. Knowing that I have made a difference to someone else’s life is so rewarding and positive, it makes me really happy.
Lou Williamson Coordinator of volunteers: Vision Australia Radio Adelaide I love being with people who have volunteering at heart and the desire to give back to their community.
Shell Davis Volunteer partnership coordinator: QLD

It’s so much better to know how I spend most of my time is spent somehow making some else’s life better, making for a stronger more connected community. Society as we know it would be unrecognisable to us without volunteers and it’s great to play a very small part in this.

Adelina Holloway Volunteer partnership coordinator: Parramatta, Epping, Caringbah, Ashfield My role gives me endless opportunities to connect volunteers with meaningful roles which allow them to give back and provide support to clients which in turn, enables independence and social inclusion, something I am very passionate about.

Thanks to our amazing volunteer force for their continued efforts, especially over the past two, sometimes very trying, years.