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Electors who wish to vote using braille ballot papers for the 2021 NSW Local Government elections should apply now.

Applications for braille ballot papers must be made to the NSW Electoral Commission by 6pm on 25 October 2021: 

Braille ballot papers can be: 

  • posted to an elector’s enrolled address or an alternative address, or 
  • delivered to an early voting centre (during pre-poll) or voting centre (on election day) within the elector’s council area, where the elector will complete them in person.

The elector will be asked to include the following information in their application: 

  • to make a declaration that they are unable to read an ordinary ballot paper
  • advise how the elector would like to receive their ballot papers from the options above
  • provide the postal address the ballot papers will be sent to (if the postal option is chosen)
  • indicate which pre-poll or polling place the ballot papers should be delivered to (if the in-person option is chosen)
  • provide contact details for the purpose of application updates.

If voting by post, the postal vote certificate must be signed by you and a witness, on or before election day and then returned to the NSW Electoral Commission by 6pm on Friday, 17 December 2021.

Returned braille ballot papers are confidentially transcribed and added to the rest of the ballot papers to be counted.

For more information, visit the NSW Electoral Commission website or call 1300 135 736.