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Bill Jolley’s extensive contributions to the global blind and low vision community have been recognised, with him receiving a life membership to the World Blind Union (WBU) at the 2021 World Blindness Summit.

Bill, who is currently Deputy Chair of Vision Australia, has played a significant part in the history of the WBU since its inception in 1984. Bill has spent 13 years as an Executive member of the WBU, and has held numerous leadership roles across WBU General Assemblies.

Bill has been a vital part of WBU operations across the Asia Pacific region, particularly around providing leadership and governance training to member organisations.

Bill was also a founding member of Blind Citizens Australia and also served for eight years as treasurer of the International Council on English Braille.

Bill has been on the Vision Australia Board since 2014 and was elected Deputy Chair in 2017. Prior to that he led the integration of Seeing Eye Dogs Australia into Vision Australia in 2008, and he then served on Vision Australia’s then Client Representative Council.

Two elderly gentlemen stand next to each other in a corridor
Caption: Bill Jolley, left, with former Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove at Vision Australia Kooyong in 2017.

Ron Hooton, Vision Australia CEO, said Bill deserves sincere recognition for all he’s done for people who are blind or have low vision.

“Bill has been an important voice for the blind and low vision community for decades and he certainly deserves recognition for that. In Australia and internationally, Bill has helped ensure that people who are blind or have low vision have access to advocacy and support services,” Ron said.

“He’s done this by playing an integral role in the foundation of organisations such as the WBU and Blind Citizens Australia. His work to foster good governance and strong leadership, such as his commitment to the Vision Australia Board, have ensured blindness and low vision organisations across the world are providing the quality of service their clients deserve.”