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A group of Vision Australia clients are better equipped to navigate inner-city Brisbane, after the most recent Vision Australia Travel Day.

Under the guidance of Vision Australia staff, the clients were joined by staff Translink and Cross River Rail (CRRR), as well as John MacPherson, Department of Transport and Main Roads accessibility manager.

Starting at King George’s Square in the heart of Brisbane, the day focused on Brisbane’s public transport and network linkages.

During the day the group explored changes to Brisbane City infrastructure including the construction occurring as part of the new Roma Street station; navigated the iconic Queen Street Mall; explored the connections to the Queen Street Mall station; and enjoyed a presentation from members of the Cross River Rail team at the Cross River Rail Experience Centre.

A group of people, some holding white canes and other mobility aids stand in a pedestrian mall
Caption: Vision Australia clients made the most of exploring Brisbane's public transport.

Each Translink and CRRR participant was partnered with a Vision Australia client to provide a greater understanding of the challenges faced by people who are blind or have low vision when navigating and accessing the public transport network.

“The day provided an opportunity for Translink and CRRR staff, such as senior engineers, graduate architects, project leads, stakeholder engagement officers, to travel and take a journey with their partner who is blind or has low vision,” Vision Australia orientation and mobility specialist Bashir Ebrahim OAM, said.

“Feedback from staff has been that the experience was a very powerful way to understand the physical and mental effort required to be a safe, independent and confident traveller.

"Translink and CRRR staff are now better equipped to assess how the infrastructure, services, information and built environments influence the success of people who are blind or have low vision achieving their goals of travel in a practical, everyday way.”

Are you interested in joining a Vision Australia Brisbane Travel Day? Find out more and sign up for an upcoming travel day below: