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Vision Australia is committed to engaging with its clients, and the parents and carers of clients, at every level of the organisation including through its client representative body known as the Client Reference Group (CRG).

Vision Australia is currently seeking expressions of interest for one position on the (CRG) for a term of three years.

Convened by the Board of Vision Australia, the CRG provides advice and feedback to board members on specific matters relating to the experience of our clients and direction of the organisation.

The CRG meets in person with Vision Australia’s Board twice a year, and at other times via teleconference.

Currently there are 12 members across 11 different portfolios.

We ares currently seeking expressions of interest for a member with interest in Information Access and to provide assistance and advise relating to strategic projects.

To obtain an expression of interest form, and for further details please contact Amy McGloin, CRG coordinator via email: [email protected]

You can find out more about the CRG, portfolios and current members here.