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On celebrating his 100th birthday in June, the WWII veteran proclaimed ‘I have had a good life, especially with my wife Margaret. I have nothing to complain about. I’m blessed.’

[Image of Dennis in front of his house]

Dennis has macular degeneration and was diagnosed legally blind in 2004. With your help, Dennis has received specialised training to learn how to touch-type on a computer fitted with ZoomText, which can magnify print up to 18 times.

Dennis has gone on to use his newfound typing skills to record his family’s life story – a treasured  history that helped him navigate the grief of losing his beloved wife and recording his experiences during the war.

All this is only possible because of supporters like you.

Since losing his sight, Dennis has also been an ardent supporter of Vision Australia, wanting to give back to others who are blind or have low vision. For over a decade, Dennis has expressed his great joy in supporting students through  the Vision Australia Further Education Bursary; which provides successful applicants, who are blind or have low vision, with vital assistive equipment to pursue tertiary studies.

Dennis loves knowing he is giving back to others

'Being blind, I understand how difficult it is for students to attend lectures and learn if they do not have access to the latest technology and assistance from specialised staff.'

'I want to help people living with blindness or low vision use the best of their abilities to succeed and to contribute to society,' Dennis said.

Thanks to people like Dennis and generous supporters like you, students who are blind or have low vision can access tertiary education.

Thank you Dennis and a very Happy 100th Birthday.