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Code Jumper, an award-winning educational tool that opens up the world of computer coding to blind children, has been launched in Australia by Vision Australia.

Designed originally by Microsoft and developed by American Printing House, Code Jumper assists 7-11 year olds, regardless of their level of vision, to learn the basics of computer coding and programming skills. A tactile system of oversized buttons, knobs and cords, means that students learn by touching and listening, exciting the hands as well as the imagination.

CEO of Vision Australia, Ron Hooton, describes Code Jumper as a “game changer for young students who want to develop valuable STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) skills.”

“Educators around the world agree that knowing how to code is an important technical skill that will help kids who are blind or have low vision with their future careers and lives. Vision Australia is delighted to present Code Jumper so every student can have the potential for a successful career in the STEM sector,” he said.

The tactile Code Jumper system connects via Bluetooth to an app that is accessible to students who are blind or have low vision. Using the physical system and app, students are able to complete coding tasks such as creating a sentence or song.

A young girl uses Code Jumper
Caption: A young girl tries out the Code Jumper system.

It is also suitable for sighted children, which enables all students to work together, building confidence through socialisation, cooperation, critical thinking and hands-on learning.

Code Jumper also includes a curriculum to support teachers and parents, regardless of their coding ability.

Research shows just 24% of Australians who are blind or have low vision are in full-time employment, and Mr Hooton said tools like Code Jumper have an important role to play in increasing that figure.

“Interestingly, many roles in the computing industry such as coding are accessible to people who are blind or have low vision, but many of the tools currently available to teach these skills are not accessible. 

“Although these students are equally interested in and capable of learning about programming, lack of accessible support puts them at a disadvantage.

“Code Jumper will help to change all of that. It is a powerful introduction for children to computer science and is a great example of an emerging assistive technology that will help prepare them for a successful future.”