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In the latest episode of Vision Australia’s Meet the Experts audio series, Stella chats with braille trainer Mitzi Raaphorst about braille course available from Vision Australia for people aged 16 and above.

As a braille trainer, Mitzi teaches people to read and write braille and said learning braille as an adult requires time, patience and a goal.

“Braille isn’t hard but it requires work. Having a goal motivates people and makes them determined to put in the practice required,” Mitzi said.

Goals might include being able to use braille in the community to identify public toilets, street signs or elevator signs, or for independence at home by labelling and identifying groceries or medication.

 “I had a middle-aged client who had grown quite dependent on his wife which he didn’t feel comfortable about, but after completing Grade 1 braille he now feels comfortable walking to the shops to purchase their items with his braille shopping list,” Mitzi said.

Completing the Grade 1 braille course will enable participants to use braille for shorter passages of reading and writing. The course takes between three to six months.  Vision Australia also offers courses for people interested in learning more advanced forms of braille.

Vision Australia’s braille courses are offered through face-to-face sessions at select Vision Australia centres or via correspondence Australia-wide.  

You can listen to the full conversation with Mitzi here.

Find out more about how Vision Australia can help you learn braille here.