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Think back to the start of the decade and the technology we had at then is in many way unrecognisable compared to what we have at our fingertips today.

In both the fields of mainstream and assistive technology, the last decade has been one of significant advancements as technology becomes more and more part of everyday life.

Some might even say we’re in the golden age of assistive technology.

Even in just recent times we’ve seen a number of big advancements as devices like IrisVision, Aira, OrCam and the Sunu Band have become available.

Tech giant Microsoft has launched free apps like Soundscape and Seeing AI, while Apple has continued to make its products accessible through the incorporation of features like Siri and VoiceOver.

With this the end of the decade drawing close, Vision Australia tech guru David Woodbridge gave us a list of his favourite pieces of technology from the last 10 years, as well as an insight to what advancements and improvements he’s looking forward to over the next decade.

David Woodbridge’s favourite tech of the last decade

  • Apple Books
  • Apple AirPods Pro
  • Apple watch
  • Apple TV
  • iPad
  • HomePod
  • Siri
  • Amazon Echo
  • Google Home.

What we should look forward to in the next decade

  • Audio description on free to air TV
  • Bus travel becomes easier to identify stand, bus number/route, and bus stop destination
  • Foxtel and other cable boxes becomes accessible
  • Electric cars get audible sounds
  • Exercise equipment becomes more accessible
  • Indoor beacons and indoor maps become a “real” thing
  • Home appliances with touch screens become accessible in their own right
  • Increased accessibility of phones, EFTPOS terminals and other workplace ICT equipment
  • Smart speakers an personal assistants can adjust to people’s speech pattern, reducing the need to speak to speak clearly and distinctly
  • Self-checkout kiosks and similar become accessible.

Don’t forget you can find a huge range of accessible technology via our online Vision Store.