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Vision Australia Radio's flagship program, Talking Vision, has reached an important milestone.

The weekly half-hour program, which covers Vision Australia and the wider blindness and low vision community, has this week celebrated it's 500th episode.

To mark the occasion and look back over the history of the program, your host Stella Glorie has put together a special episode.

Nearly a decade after the show began with inaugural host Stephen Jolley behind the microphone, Stella is joined by Stephen and regular guests Jordie Howell, Julie Scott, Peter Greco, Frances Keyland on the 500th episode.

"The privilege of producing and presenting Talking Vision is two-fold. Firstly, I get to work with professional and dedicated radio folk who care about producing the best content for our audience. Secondly, and most importantly, over the years I have gotten to chat to a range of the inspiring and amazing guests who have generously shared their stories," Stella said.

"It’s made me feel connected and appreciated by the blind and low vision community. I feel like I make a difference. I feel like the audience are my friends."

You can listen to the special 500th Talking Episode vision here or on the player below.