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Blindness hasn’t stopped Bert Biesot’s desire to create – even if he uses power tools to do it.

Bert, who turns 90 today, has no vision in his left eye and can perceive a little light in his right eye because of age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.

He credits Vision Australia for giving him the confidence to pursue his passion for woodworking.

Bert makes timber treasures including tables with intricate parquetry tops, and visits Vision Australia’s Belmont branch every Wednesday to get on the tools with his mates.

He says he was devastated when he lost his vision suddenly in 2002. “I sat in the corner mentally, and I thought, ‘What am I going to do? I can’t see’. I sold all my tools, but later on I found out that I didn’t have to. I can still do things,” he says.

A specialist referred Bert to Vision Australia, where staff support his needs and goals.

“With Vision Australia you can do things. They taught me that I can do things when I thought I couldn’t do things anymore. Now, I can do everything,” he says.

Bert uses power tools including a drop saw to build his tables, working out how to assemble them by visualising the finished product and using timber blocks to ensure he cuts his timber in the right place without injuring himself.

“When you’ve got eyes and you work with machines, you cut yourself, but when you can’t see, you make 100% sure that you can’t cut your fingers,” he says.

“I print the table in my brain - the pattern that I’m making, the way I’ll cut the wood, and I can do it. 

Vision Australia regional manager Laura Allison says Vision Australia’s role is to support people who are blind or have low vision to live the life they choose.

“Bert is an inspiration for everyone at Vision Australia. We support many people like him that do the things they love without letting blindness or low vision stand in their way,” she says.

“Whether it’s for work or to maintain a hobby or interest, we can assist with support, equipment and technology solutions to keep you doing what you want to do.”