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Sixteen excited ladies turned up to Vision Australia’s Enfield site yesterday, all of them ready to be pampered and preened by specialist beauticians and professionals who  volunteered their time.

From manicures to reflexology, make-up techniques, colour styling and a specialist women’s health nurse educator, the Vision Australia Women’s Pamper Day, was organised by Occupational Therapists, Lizzy Pye and Tess Durston.

Julie Jurd from Nutrimetics was one of the specialist consultants who attended.Julie shows Stella how to apply foundation

“I’m passionate about skincare,” says Julie. “I started by helping the ladies get an even application of their foundation and we moved on to powder application and lip gloss.  It felt really satisfying to be able to help, and I’ve made some great connections,” she added.

Cathy Egan, a Vision Australia client and volunteer from Homebush attended the day and was involved in the planning.

“I was so thrilled with how the day went. Particularly the session from the nurse educator Joanne Perks from Liverpool, I think we could have a whole day on this. It enabled us to discuss some really important topics and find out how and where we can get help. It was hugely empowering,” said Cathy.

“So many of the women attending commented to me about how good the day was and wanted to know when the next one would be. The volunteers all had a great time too and most have them have offered to come back,” said Cathy.

Check Vision Australia’s event page for a full listing of activities