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If you love puppies, can provide a loving home, are willing to take a pup everywhere you go and teach it basic obedience, then we may have the job for you.
Seeing Eye Dogs Australia (SEDA), a division of Vision Australia, is currently recruiting volunteer Puppy Carers in Perth and surrounding areas.

Being a Seeing Eye Puppy Carer is one of the most enjoyable ways to volunteer. Puppy Carers experience the joy of looking after a cute puppy without any of the associated costs and, at the same time, help someone who is blind to live the life they choose.

The puppy caring program requires volunteers to care for a puppy in their home from the age of 8 weeks until they are approximately 12-18 months of age.

Under the guidance of a Seeing Eye Dog puppy supervisor, puppies are taught basic obedience, house manners, socialised and trained to walk on a lead in a relaxed manner with many of the commands they will use as a fully trained Seeing Eye Dog.

Carers are visited regularly by their supervisor to provide guidance in training and caring for their puppy.

Puppy caring is a very rewarding experience and without their help, Vision Australia couldn't provide these special working dogs to people who are blind or have low vision.

For more information call SEDA on 1800 037 773.