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Donna Coulton calendar artistDespite living in regional New South Wales all her life Wagga Wagga resident Donna Coulton loves to paint pictures of oceans and waterfalls and it’s this skill which has made her a 2014 calendar girl.

“I love painting because of the freedom of expression it gives me and added to this is the enjoyment I get from painting the ocean. It moves and expands and is always changing so much. I’m more of an inland person though it’s the sharks I don’t like.”

Donna, who only started painting about five years ago after attending a painting course at the Rivera Institute of TAFE, is vision impaired as a result of retinal detachment and cataracts. “Each year I have bought a Vision Australia large print calendar and I was speaking about the calendar with staff at Vision Australia in Wagga.  They gave the paperwork to complete to enter my artwork.”

Donna’s artwork entitled ‘Ocean View’ has won a place in the 2014 Vision Australia calendar.

“I’ve already purchased a couple of calendars and sent them to some of my siblings who live interstate. I told my sister it might be my only opportunity to be a calendar girl. My sister will have to look at my face for a whole month next year, I’ll be staring out at her all of June,” she said.

Donna who has always done some form of art is enjoying painting in acrylic so much she has started a mural on a wall in her home.

“It’s a waterfall and I’m enjoying experimenting with colours to paint the rocks. I enjoy painting at home as I can use a large magnifying glass to help me. I’m enjoying telling a story on the wall though I’m not exactly sure where this story is going.”

Donna’s creative art and the work of 11 other artists, who are blind or have low vision, will be showcased in the 2014 Vision Australia national calendar.

This unique calendar, together with an array of Christmas gifts and cards, is available to order by calling 1300 847 466, visiting www.visionaustralia.org/shop or at Vision Australia centres around Australia.

All proceeds go towards supporting thousands of children and adults who are blind or have low vision.

Donna Coulton Media Release