On this page

We will provide information about the election on this page and on our Facebook page and Twitter account throughout June. Alternatively, you can contact the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) on 13 23 26 from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week or visit the AEC website.

Placing your vote

Voters who are blind or have low vision have a choice of two options: assisted voting at the polling place or telephone voting. Votes cannot be placed at Vision Australia offices.

Assisted voting

Polling places with access for people with disability are shown on the AEC website. The polling places identify the level of accessibility (full, assisted or none).

You can ask someone to help you vote. Polling place staff are trained to assist you, or you can nominate any person (except a candidate) to assist. This person could be a friend, relative or a party worker. If voters do not nominate someone, then the polling official in charge will provide assistance.

The assistant reads the contents of the ballot paper and then completes the ballot paper according to your preferences.

There are also special arrangements at polling places for people who cannot get out of their car. If the polling official in charge is satisfied that you cannot enter the polling place, someone will bring the ballot papers to you.

Telephone voting

Step 1: Register

If you wish to vote by telephone, you must register first by calling 1800 913 993. Registration is now open and will close at 12pm (noon) Saturday 2 July.

You will be asked questions to check your details on the electoral roll, and will be asked to choose a PIN number. You will then receive a telephone voting registration number by your choice of an email, SMS, phone call, or postal mail.

Step 2: Call to vote

You need to call 1800 913 993 again to cast your vote. Telephone voting is now open and will close at 6pm Saturday 2 July. You will need to have your telephone voting registration details and PIN number ready.

You will not need to give your name, as your registration and PIN number will be used to mark your name off the electoral roll. An AEC voting assistant will record your vote. A second voting assistant will ensure that your vote is recorded as you intended. Your vote remains anonymous because the AEC voting assistants will not know your name and address.

Once your vote is complete, the voting assistant will place the ballot papers into secure ballot boxes.