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Telephone voting in the 2014 WA Senate election is now open for people who are blind or have low vision.

“The AEC’s telephone voting system enables voters who are blind or have low vision to cast their vote in secret from a location of their choice,” Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia, Kathy Mitchell said.

Electors in WA who are blind or have low vision should call 1800 913 993 to register. Voters will be asked to select a six-digit PIN as part of their registration.

“Voters can call to register to use the blind or low vision telephone voting service anytime between now and 12pm (AWST) on election day, Saturday 5 April,” said Ms Mitchell.

The AEC will confirm their registration and provide the voter with an eight-digit registration number either via post, email, SMS or a phone call.

“Once registered, voters just call 1800 913 993 and provide their registration number and PIN to be marked off the electoral roll - they will not need to give their name,” Ms Mitchell said.

While AEC officers record the voter’s preferences on the ballot paper, the PIN and registration number system ensures the voter’s identity remains secret.

Registered voters can vote anytime between 8.30am and 5.30pm (AWST) from now through to Friday 4 April and on election day, Saturday 5 April from 8.00am to 6.00pm (AWST).

The telephone voting service was introduced at the 2013 federal election and 145 Western Australian voters out of a national total of 2 834 used this service to vote. 

 Fact sheet on the full telephone voting system.