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More than 65 young volunteers turned up to Vision Australia’s Enfield site this morning to create a knock out sensory garden.

Led by Adrian Findlay from Optus Rockcorps and guided by Jodie Riach, a landscape designer, from The Botanical Escape, the volunteers were participating in Optus Rockcorps, a dynamic movement of people who want to help out in the community. The program rewards people who donate four hours of their time with a music reward.

The volunteers were split into four groups each with a distinct area of the garden to complete.

  1. Sensory garden. This group, led by Lauren, helped to weed and trim plants, plant new trees, lay mulch and create wind chimes.
  2. Yoshi’s group created a sound space using recycled palettes to create a frame and hanging items such as bottles.
  3. Artistic Clem, put his and his groups talents to use creating a sensory mural along the side of the building, as well as brightening up the planter boxes with a nice lick of blue paint.
  4. Becca’s group created a bench seat and some planter boxes out of recycled palettes.

group of young volunteers from Optus Rock Corps start work on creating a bench seat for sensory gardenPictured left, Arjun, Niruban, Ayman, Tahmid, Imran and Rowan start work on creating a bench seat from recycled palettes.

For Arjun, 18, who was part of a group building the bench seat, it was a great way to keep busy and to give back to the community.

I volunteered for Optus Rockcorps last year and I had a great time so I talked a couple of my friends into joining me this year,” he said.
We are from the local area and know about Vision Australia so it is great to be able to help out on this project. It makes me proud to know I have helped to make a difference,” he added.
group of young volunteers proudly show off the finshed benchPictured right, Niruban, Tahmid, Ayden and Arjun proudly show off the finished bench seat.

Vision Australia would like to thank Optus Rockcorps for their efforts in coordinating this project and creating such a beautiful space for our clients to enjoy.

Thanks must also go to the local council for donating much needed mulch and plants and also to Flower Power for giving us a great discount on additional plants.

Find out more about Optus Rockcorps by visiting www.optusrockcorps.com.au

Quotes from the volunteers to follow.