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A desire to quietly help people who are blind or have low vision to lead better lives has driven Cliff Jackson, 87, to volunteer with Vision Australia for more than 18 (eighteen) years.

In that time Cliff has established over support 22 groups for blind and vision impaired members of the community.

These groups, now known as Local Client Groups, are still going strong and offering support to hundreds of people throughout New South Wales.

“The groups provide independence for members. We are not there to mollycoddle people but to encourage them to live their lives fully,” says Cliff.

Cliff volunteers four days each week and travels over an hour each morning and afternoon to get to Vision Australia’s Enfield site.

Cliff, who is vision impaired, also finds time to speak to service and community groups about the work of Vision Australia and  provides guided tours of the Enfield facility.

Earlier this year Cliff’s incredible commitment was recognised when he was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for services to blind and vision impaired people and the aviation industry.

“We are so proud of Cliff and his achievements. He really is a remarkable man and he has made such a difference in the lives of so many people who are blind or have low vision,” said Rolf Geerlings, Coordinator of Volunteers at Vision Australia.

 “Volunteers are essential to our ongoing work we simply couldn’t do what we do without them,” he added.

Cliff ‘s achievements, along with more than 4,000 Vision Australia volunteers will be recognised during a  series of special Morning of Celebration  events during National Volunteer Week in May.

Download the Cliff Jackson media release