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17 July 2012

Vision Australia has thrown its support behind the Every Australian Counts call on the Prime Minister and State and Territory leaders to lock in the National Disability Insurance Scheme when they meet in Canberra on 25 July.

The Every Australian Counts campaign is turning up the heat on political leaders to put aside their squabbles and agree on long term funding and 'lock in the NDIS' to give people with disabilities, their families and carers a decent level of support.

At the moment, the future of the NDIS is not guaranteed. Funding has only been allocated for the launch sites and there is no agreement between the Commonwealth and the States and Territories on how the NDIS will be funded.

Vision Australia is calling on its staff, clients and supporters to join the Every Australian Counts campaign and submit a short message on why the NDIS is important to them. It's important to send the message before the Commonwealth and State governments meet on the 25 July in just over a week's time.

The Every Australian Counts campaign's Mr Della Bosca said the campaign had already received over 500 powerful messages from people with disabilities, families, carers, workers in the sector and everyday Australians about the need for the NDIS.

"These messages reveal the anguish and suffering of the current broken system but also the hopes and aspirations of people of what the NDIS might provide for the future."

To send a message to our political leaders to lock in the NDIS go to the Every Australian Counts campaign: http://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/tell_coag/

To see a sample of the messages already received go to: http://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/category/message_book/