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Since the confirmation of the closure of Vision Australia Enterprises (VAE) on October 3, Vision Australia has made great progress in helping its affected staff transition to suitable alternatives.

Throughout this change, Vision Australia’s focus has been on the employees and doing the best it can for each and every one of them.

Vision Australia has linked all employees who are blind and low vision with CRS Australia, a government department, to develop mutually-agreed, individualised plans.

As a result, 16 employees who are blind and have low vision and one sighted, have accepted positions in the Vision Australia Open Employment and Training Program. These include roles within AIS, SEDOM, Equipment Solutions and the NCC. There has been very positive feedback from employees about their new opportunities, and these roles will commence in December and early January.

In addition, four employees who are blind and have low vision and one sighted employee commenced roles with Endeavour (formerly VATMI) and work trials have commenced for VAE staff with Help Industries, a Queensland-based Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE).

A further 12 staff, who are blind and have low vision, who have indicated they wish to retire have been linked to the Department of Social Services-funded Transition to Retirement program for older workers in supported employment.

VAE’s work associated with Third Party Logistics, Product Supply and Pick and Pack has now been transitioned. As a result, the traditional business activities for VAE are winding down. This means that in the New Year, the mix of traditional work and other activities organised to support the employee’s transition will shift towards staff transition activities.

We will continue to work with those employees who have yet to transition by supporting them to participate in work trials with other Australian Disability Enterprises and access to community-based programs.

The closure of VAE affected a total of 71 staff across two warehouses in Melbourne and Brisbane, and includes three staff that provided braille library services in Sydney.

Vision Australia Enterprises won’t close until March 2014 while work towards alternative options for all staff continues.