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Vision Australia is today celebrating the success of lobbying efforts to block a Bill that will reduce transport support for people with disability. Read more about the proposed Bill here.

"The Mobility Allowance is a key support for many people in the blindness and low vision community, helping people to remain connected to their work and social participation. Recently, the Government has proposed including the Mobility Allowance within the NDIS, meaning that in the future only NDIS participants would be able to access it," Vision Australia general manger for advocacy Karen Knight said.

Working with other disability organisations including People With Disability Australia and the Australian Blindness Forum, Vision Australia lobbied Parliamentarians and Senators to encourage their opposition to the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Transition Mobility Allowance to the National Disability Insurance Scheme) Bill 2016 as it stands.

"Because of these efforts, the Government has decided to withdraw the Bill from consideration. In the short term, this means our community can continue to access the Mobility Allowance as they have done. In the longer term, we will continue our lobbying to make sure the transport and community inclusion needs for our community are secured," Ms Knight said.