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The South Australia Government has announced that new legislation will be debated to allow people of all ages to ride bicycles on the footpath.

Vision Australia will be writing to all South Australian politicians this week asking them to vote against this Bill. 

Under current laws, adults are not allowed to ride on footpaths unless they are accompanying children under the age of 12 and this is how it should remain.

The proposal to allow adults to ride on footpaths will make footpaths far more dangerous for those who need them the most.

Governments have an obligation under national laws and international conventions to provide an environment where people who are blind or have low vision can move about independently and safely.

Research conducted in Victoria by Monash University Accident Research Centre found that a substantial proportion of collisions experienced by pedestrians who are blind or have low vision are with bicycles. 

Pedestrians who are blind or have low vision, who are more likely to rely on their other senses and non-visual skills when walking, feel least confident while interacting with vehicles that create little noise, such as bicycles. 

While Vision Australia does not oppose the safe and responsible use of cycling priority must be given to safe pedestrian access. Footpaths must also be safe places for people using wheelchairs or other mobility aids.

Vision Australia calls on both the South Australian Government to retain current legislation and for the community and government to work together to find solutions so that more people may enjoy walking and cycling without compromising safety, mobility and independence.