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Leading blindness and low vision service provider Vision Australia has welcomed recommendations made by the Productivity Commission as to how the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be improved for participants.

The Productivity Commission last week released its long-awaited NDIS Report, which strongly echoes what Vision Australia and the wider sector have been calling for to change with the scheme.

The Productivity Commission’s report calls for more transparency for participants, better planning processes, and accessible information, all of which Vision Australia has been lobbying for. It also addresses concerns with the pace of the rollout, and the quality of participant plans.

Vision Australia was the driving force behind recent changes to the NDIS that have allowed participants to receive their plans and supporting materials in the accessible format of their choice.

Vision Australia remains committed to working on behalf of people with a disability, including the blind and low vision community, to ensure governments make important changes to improve the NDIS.

Read the Productivity Commission report here

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