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Prue Watt turning the soil with shovel, along side Warwick Ponder of eftpos and Kevin Murfitt of Vision Australia, at the SEDA redevelopment site.Construction started last weekend on a world-class Seeing Eye Dog breeding and training centre in Melbourne, following an announcement that eftpos will donate up to a $1 million towards the project from its Christmas Giveback campaign.

Vision Australia and eftpos turned the first sod at a special ceremony on Sunday, 25 November, marking the start of construction of the new national training facility in Kensington.

Sharing the milestone occasion were hundreds of puppy sponsors, puppy carers and volunteers, Seeing Eye Dog clients and SEDA staff.

“This is an incredibly exciting time for Vision Australia as we finally see work begin on our new Seeing Eye Dog facility,” said Vision Australia Acting CEO David Speyer.

“Thanks to the support of eftpos’ Giveback campaign, we have been able to begin construction before Christmas.”

“We are encouraging Australian consumers to get behind the eftpos Giveback campaign in the lead up to Christmas, simply by pressing CHQ or SAV at the checkout.”

The eftpos Giveback donation amount will depend on eftpos transaction volume achieved during the eftpos Giveback period, up to $1,000,000. Once complete, the new centre will enable Vision Australia to match 100 people per year with a Seeing Eye Dog – an increase from the current 45.

eftpos CEO Bruce Mansfield said the new centre was a very worthwhile project that should have a lasting impact on the community, through the provision of breeding and training facilities for much-needed Seeing Eye Dogs.

“Now in its second year, we are very pleased to continue this eftpos Giveback Christmas tradition by assisting Vision Australia to fulfil its long-time ambition to build this new, world-class Seeing Eye Dog breeding and training centre,” Mr Mansfield said.

The sod turning coincided with the annual SEDA Meet and Greet Day which provides puppy sponsors with the opportunity to meet their dogs and learn more about the way Seeing Eye Dogs are trained.