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Vision Australia staff, clients and other disability, education and government sector professionals have shown their support for the Every Australian Counts DisabiliTEA event today, joining thousands of people around the country who came together to call for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to come to every town and every community in Australia.

Kristina Lecluyse, Training and Compliance Coordinator, and organiser of one of the DisabiliTEA events at Vision Australia's Kensington office said more than 50 people turned out for the event, shared a cuppa and talked about the NDIS.

"We had a great turnout for the DisabiliTEA event which is about spreading the word and educating more Australians about the need for the NDIS and why it is a valuable reform for everyone.

"The NDIS has the potential to deliver real benefits to Australians with a disability," Ms Lecluyse said.

The NDIS is due to launch in select sites from July 2013, but it's not yet known how the scheme will operate and how it will be funded. Vision Australia, its clients and staff, together with the disability sector are looking forward to the release of more details from the government. 

For more information on Every Australian Counts DisabiliTEA events and to join the campaign for a NDIS go to http://everyaustraliancounts.com.au/ .

Vision Australia is actively supporting the NDIS, and the Every Australian Counts campaign and you can find out more by visitingwww.visionaustralia.org/ndis.