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Need help with your tax return?

This year the Australian Taxation Office; or ATO, is proud to celebrate 25 years of Tax Help - a free service that helps people complete and lodge their tax returns.

If you earn around $50,000 or less and have simple tax affairs, an ATO trained volunteer may be able to help you at a community centre near you. 

Tax Help is available by appointment between 1 July and 31 October each year. For more information, or to find your nearest Tax Help centre, visit the ATO website at ato.gov.au/taxhelp or call 13 28 61.  

Information to help you at tax time

Tax time is here! The Australian Taxation Office; or ATO, is encouraging people to think about whether they need to lodge a tax return.

Generally, you pay tax on money you get from working, running a business, from Centrelink payments, or any income from investments you have here or overseas.

The ATO has produced a downloadable audio guide with tax time information. The guide covers different topics, including: how to lodge your return, claiming tax deductions and offsets and timeframes. To access this audio product visit the ATO website at ato.gov.au/disability

Taxpayers who want to lodge online can use e-tax. This is the ATO’s free, fast and secure system, which is also compatible with screen-reader software. Download e-tax at ato.gov.au/etax and select the ‘vision impaired’ option during installation.