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Talking Vision is Vision Australia's national radio program on blindness and low vision.

In the program for the week of December 16, we look ahead to the Sydney Hobart Yacht Race and the involvement again of the Sailors with Disabilities organisation, as well as to the National Blind Cricket Championships to take place in Adelaide from December 29. We have a long informing chat with the skipper of the boat who himself is blind which includes some fascinating insights in to the world of sailing when you can’t see. The Vice President of Blind Cricket Australia explains the game in Australia and looks ahead to the national as well as busy international schedule.

Guests this week are:
  • Kirk Watson, skipper of the Sailors with Disabilities entry in the Rolex Sydney to Hobart yacht race.;
  • Matthew McCarthy, Vice President of Blind Cricket Australia.
Also this week, Frances Keyland from the Vision Australia Library previews another title in Reader Recommended.

You can listen here to the program or go to the Talking Vision web page for broadcast details, an outline of past programs and links to the associated audio.
Keep in touch with the program through Twitter by following talkingvision1.