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Talking Vision is Vision Australia's national radio program on blindness and low vision.

This week, we observe National Reconciliation Week with a look at what is being done at Vision Australia to reduce the gap which leaves Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people with inadequate access to quality services. A senior member of the People and Culture team explains Vision Australia ongoing initiatives as well as the National Reconciliation Week program to increase staff awareness and understanding of indigenous culture. A community development worker tells of her role, linking Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander families with services of Vision Australia.

Participants this week are:
  • Sharon Muldoon, Senior Project Manager with Vision Australia’s People and Culture division;
  • Suzie Engert, Newcastle based Vision Australia Community Development Worker.

You can listen here to the program or go to the Talking Vision web page for broadcast details, an outline of past programs and links to the associated audio.        
Keep in touch with the program through Twitter by following talkingvision1.