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To mark NAIDOC Week, which celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, we’ve got a special edition of Talking Vision.

This week’s episode focusses on interviews and discussions about issues from the blindness and low vision community that relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

First up is Nicole Damarra who holds the Indigenous portfolio on Vision Australia’s Client Reference Group.

“My role is discus with the VA Board and other VA staff about issues that are facing blind and sight impaired Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia,” Nicole says.  

“Board may want feedback on a policy they’re considering implementing for example… As my portfolio is Indigenous, I liaise with Aboriginal clients and various offices through the Vision Australia network.

“For example when Vision Australia was rebranding we were talking around ways to make VA offices more inviting spaces and more comfortable and culturally appropriate for Aboriginal people.”

Also on the show is Service Engagement Consultant Sally Edwards from our Mildura office about a partnership focusing on Aboriginal eye health.

“We identified some of the gaps in our services that we didn’t have many Indigenous clients,” Sally says.

The partnership involves providing free vision checks to people who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander at the Mildura Base Hospital Aboriginal Health Unit.

Find out more by listening to Talking Vision here or on the player below: