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Talking Vision is Vision Australia's national radio program on blindness and low vision.

In the program for the week of May 12, we cover United States recognition of the international contributions of two Australians. The highly regarded Henry Viscardi Centre has named Maryanne Diamond and Professor Ron McCallum amongst its list of achievement Awardees. The awards as explained in the announcement from the Viscardi Centre “pay tribute to exemplary leaders in the disability community who have had a profound impact on shaping attitudes, raising awareness and improving the quality of life of people with disabilities”. The program includes the announcement from the Viscardi Centre; reactions from Maryanne Diamond and Ron McCallum; and comments from long-standing friend and colleague, Michael Simpson.

Participants this week are:
  • Melissa Dixon from Vision Australia Radio, reading the announcement;
  • Maryanne Diamond, Vision Australia’s General Manager Advocacy and Engagement and immediate past President of the World Blind Union;
  • Emeritus Professor Ron McCallum AO, Deputy Chair of Vision Australia and immediate past Chair of the United Nations Committee for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
  • Michael Simpson, Vision Australia’s General Manager NSW Client Services and Accessible Information Solutions.

Also this week, Frances Keyland from the Vision Australia Library, previews another title in Reader Recommended.

You can listen here to the program or go to the Talking Vision web page for broadcast details, an outline of past programs and links to the associated audio.
Keep in touch with the program through Twitter by following talkingvision1.