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Each year December 3 marks International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD), which aims to empower people who live with a disability and promote inclusiveness and equality.

This year IDPwD has a strong connection to the blind and low vision community, with Gerrard Gosens OAM named as the 2018 Patron.

A three time Paralympian, Ironman, adventurer and motivational speaker, Gerrard joined Talking Vision this week to discuss his IDPwD role.

“For me it’s been a great role and a great chance to travel around Australia, presenting at various conferences and events. Next Tuesday we have an event at the Employability conference where I’ll be speaking to a large number of employers,” Gerrard said.

Gerard also spoke about his lived experiences and approach to life as a person who is blind.

Thankfully my parents didn’t create a fear of being totally blind. Parents obviously may have that thought about if you’re totally blind then don’t go out there and ride a pushbike or jump on a motorbike… thankfully my parents said get out there and give it a go,” he said.

“There were some challenges on that journey, for example when moving to into regional Queensland I was the youngest person in Australia to get a guide doeg and the first person to go into high school with a guide dog.”

Also on the show is the latest on Christmas gift ideas from the Vision Store and some audiobook giveaways.

Listen to the latest Talking Vision here, or on the player below: