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Vision Australia’s Sights Set on China trekkers head-off tomorrow on their much-anticipated 11 day trip to China. 

The group of 12 travelling over have been fundraising for months, and will head off knowing they have raised almost $100,000 for Vision Australia’s Orientation & Mobility service. 

The group varies in their degree of vision and physical fitness and can’t wait to complete the 11-day trip to China, which includes a gruelling five day, 42km trek along the Great Wall of China. 
One of the youngest on the trek is 18-year-old Jade Kelly who said:

“As a team we’ve already raised just over $89,000.  We’ve all worked really hard on our training and fundraising.  I want to make a real difference and to inspire other young people with low vision to know they can chase their dreams.” 

Vision Australia’s CEO, Ron Hooton, was meant to be doing the trek, but instead, has decided to give his place and donations towards mother and son duo, Marie and Jordon Carroll who described the opportunity as ‘surreal’ 

It’s even more important to the mother and son duo because Jordon lost almost all the sight in his left eye and has only about 25% left in his right eye due to a tumour when he was 11-years-old.

“As a mother, I haven’t been able to control Jordon’s tumour but I have been able to control the experiences he has had in life. I’ve taken him to Europe to expose him to other cultures but going somewhere like China is a dream-come-true because we wouldn’t have had the money. We’re really looking forward to getting to know the others on the trek as well,” said Marie. 

Please help the team reach their incredible goal by sponsoring them here: http://www.everydayhero.com.au/sights_set_on_china_trek_2013

You can follow the Trekkers' progress at the Vision Australia Facebook page