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Croydon Park's Shavir Harrysunker, 20 , has alwShavir Harrysunker, aged 20 from Croydon Parkays had a strong interest in technical drawing despite having a vision impairment.

Shavir can still see fine details but he is unable to drive a car.

With the help of Vision Australia’s Employment Services he has developed a greater confidence to build a career in manufacturing and mechanical engineering.  

Shavir has a genetic form of keratoconus, which causes distorted vision with multiple images, streaking and sensitivity to light becoming progressively worse with age.

While Shavir has learnt technical skills though studying at TAFE, he has found it difficult to gain work experience because employers are wary of taking on someone with a vision impairment. 

“I’ve been looking for work as an apprentice since I was in Year 10 but I haven’t had much luck.  I actually got an interview but was told I would not be able to do the job because I am unable to drive even though I am able to travel between work sites easily, they were unconvinced,” he said.

Shavir has recently completed the Pre-Employment Program at Vision Australia; an intensive program specifically designed to assisted vision impaired job seekers to develop the skills to successfully enter the workforce. 

“They have taught me things I’d never figured out by myself.  My approach to interviews was too closed and I was too quiet.  Now I am learning to sell myself properly,” he said.

“I always thought it was all about skill, but now I realise finding a job is a social network if you don’t have contacts you’ll get nowhere.  The next step for me now is to start making contacts in the industry.”

This is the first time Vision Australia has offered the Pre-Employment Program.  Deena Naidu, National Engagement Co-ordinator for Employment Services, is pleased with its success.   “Running the program was a joy because of the calibre of the clients.  Our delivery was based around making it enjoyable and interactive. I think clients have gained confidence and it is a partnership between us and the clients to give employers reassurance that the client is able to do the job,” he said.

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