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Seeing Eye Dogs Australia (SEDA) is visiting Vision Australia’s Shepparton office today to provide information about their services to the local community.

Community members from Shepparton are warmly invited to attend and find out more about the work of SEDA, while enjoying a morning tea in an educational and social environment.

Attendees can meet our dedicated staff, volunteers and current clients to learn about the life changing work that SEDA provides to the community.

Trial walks and demonstrations will take place so people can watch our Seeing Eye Dogs at work and gain a better understanding of how they help transform the lives of people who are blind or have low vision.

Seeing Eye Dogs work with their clients on a daily basis, to safely navigate them while out in public, which allows them greater freedom and independence.

Local residents who are blind or have low vision are also invited to attend so that they can find out how SEDA can assist them and if they are eligible to receive their own Seeing Eye Dog.

It costs more than $30,000 to train one Seeing Eye Dog and SEDA receives limited government funding.

As the only national provider of Seeing Eye Dogs within Australia, SEDA are committed to offering their services at no cost to the client, which makes community support and education vital to their success. For more information, contact SEDA on: 1300 84 74 66 or visit www.seda.org.au