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Vision Australia sees the role of the Disability Discrimination Commissioner as a critical one. Whilst there are other bodies that advocate on disability issues, including Vision Australia, the Disability Discrimination Commissioner has been a catalyst for reducing discrimination towards people with a disability.

The position has been particularly effective because it is independent, focussed and resourced and because of the credibility associated with the Commissioner being a person with a lived experience of disability.

The Commissioner has an important responsibility to lead the implementation of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. This Act makes disability discrimination unlawful and aims to promote equal rights, opportunity and access for people with disabilities.

The Commissioner also has major responsibilities under the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Merging the responsibilities of the Commissioner with those of another Commissioner will reduce the potency and effectiveness of the position, and will impede the ongoing fight against discrimination towards people with a disability.

Vision Australia calls for the appointment of another Disability Discrimination Commissioner when Graeme Innes' term expires in July.