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Queenslanders will head to the polls this weekend to vote in the 2017 State Election. 

For people who are blind or have low vision, telephone voting is available to support them to cast their vote, but registration is required. 

Below is information from Electoral Commission Queensland about eligibility requirements and registration and voting windows. For more information, head to the  Electoral Commission Queensland website

Telephone Voting for the 2017 State Election.

A dedicated telephone voting system will be available prior to and on Election Day for eligible electors. Eligible electors include electors who:

  • Cannot vote without assistance because of an impairment or an insufficient level of literacy;
  • Cannot vote at a polling booth because of an impairment;
  • Are special postal voters; or
  • Are an elector whose address, as shown on the electoral roll, is more than 20kms by the nearest practical route from a polling booth.

Please contact ECQ on 1300 912 782 and select menu option 1 to register for this service. You will be asked to provide a 6 digit PIN number and then you will be given an 8 digit registration number that can be sent to you via text, email or a return phone call.

Once you have both your PIN and registration numbers you can call 1300 912 782 and press menu option 2. This will take you through to the vote taking operators who will read out the ballot paper instructions and the candidate names in ballot paper order. Please remember to not disclose your name to the operator during this call to ensure your vote remains secret.

Operating hours are listed below:  


  • Monday to Thursday – 9am – 5pm
  • Friday, 24th November 2017 – 9am – 6pm
  • Saturday, 25th November – 8am – 12pm


  • Monday to Thursday – 9am – 5pm
  • Friday, 24th November 2017 – 9am – 6pm
  • Saturday, 25th November – 8am – 6pm