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Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos, announced that the nominations have opened for the Premier's Volunteer Champions Awards, at the Seeing Eye Dogs Australia National Puppy Centre in Kensington.

Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos visits SEDA

Photo: Minister Jenny Mikakos and Parliamentary Secretary Gabrielle Williams with staff, volunteers and dogs of all shapes and sizes, at the Seeing Eye Dogs Australia Puppy Centre in Kensington

The Andrews Labor Government has expanded the awards, to include the Premier's highest accolade for volunteering contributions - the Dame Elisabeth Murdoch Award - in recognition of the invaluable contribution volunteers make to our society and to the Victorian economy. 

The Minister announced that up to 50 volunteers will be recognised across five categories: Outstanding Youth Volunteers; Outstanding Adult Volunteers; Outstanding Volunteer Managers, and; Outstanding Volunteer Teams in both Rural and Regional, and Metropolitan areas.

"From helping out during emergencies to coaching our kids, caring for vulnerable Victorians and protecting our environment - Volunteers come from all walks of life to enrich our communities", the Minister observed. 

"The Premier's Volunteer Champions Awards are the Andrews Labor Government's way of saying thank you to this fantastic group of people." Minister Mikakos concluded. 

The Minister and the Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers, Gabrielle Williams, took the opportunity to take a brief tour of the Seeing Eye Dogs Kennel and Puppy Centre during their visit.

"As chair of the Government's new Ministerial Advisory Council for Volunteers, I know how important it is we recognise and celebrate the big contribution volunteers to make to our great State."  Ms Williams observed. 

It was estimated in 2011 that volunteers contributed the equivalent of $23 billion to the Victorian economy and the 2012 Economic Value of Volunteering in Victoria report estimates this figure will grow to $42 billion by 2021.

Leigh Garwood, General Manager of Victoria Client Services, Radio and Seeing Eye Dogs Australia at Vision Australia, emphasised the importance of volunteers to our organisation who gift their time towards running community programs, reading for Vision Australia Radio, completing administrative tasks and taking care of puppies. 

"Without the generosity of these volunteers some of our most popular community programs simply couldn't continue running. 

"Last year we had almost 2,900 volunteers contribute 725,000 hours of work, which is the equivalent of 408 full-time staff", he marvelled. 

"We welcome the Minister's announcement this morning.  It's important to take these opportunities to thank our volunteers and demonstrate our gratitude.  I certainly hope that many other not-for-profit organisations will join us in nominating volunteers this year" he concluded. 

Volunteer puppy carers are integral to tje Seeing Eye Dogs training program. Here in Victoria we have close to 120 people caring for pups, until they reach 12-months of age, and we're still seeking more people to help with this important task. 

Anyone interested in volunteering for Vision Australia or SEDA can call 1300 84 74 66 or  email  [email protected]

Nominations for the Premier's Volunteer Champions Awards are open until 15 September. To nominate or find out more visit www.dhs.vic.gov.au/premiersvolunteerawards