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Vision Australia clients: you’re invited to the annual Abilities Expo, to be held in the Grand Ballroom at Crown Perth on Tuesday, 19 September.

Many disability support organisations including Vision Australia are taking part in the expo, which is aimed to enable people with a disability to make informed choices about the services and service providers that will best suit them.

The event includes guest speakers, entertainment and the chance to meet and talk to the service providers that you can work with to ensure you can live the life you choose.

Interactive workshops will focus on building your skills for future employment.

People with disabilities, their families and carers are welcome at this free event, which will be held from 9.15am to 7.30pm.

For further details, phone Paul Jones on (08) 9378 2722 or email expo organisers here.

Abilities Expo details:

Date: Tuesday, 19 September
Time: 9.15am to 7.30pm
Address: Grand Ballroom, Crown Perth