Mr. Reardon, 45, from Kingston Beach in Tasmania, has been blind since he was 17. He lost his vision to a condition called Leber’s Optic Atrophy. Since then he has practiced as a lawyer, run a successful B&B and spent some time working for the Tax Office in Melbourne.
“My hope is for My Disability Matters to become a one stop shop for disability news and opinion. Increasing the representation of people living with a disability through their own words, views and experiences. It is something that is missing from the online world and I believe it is vitally important to have a representative space defined by people with a disability for people with a disability,” said Mr. Reardon.
The website was launched with a comprehensive survey for potential users to have their say on the site’s agenda, operating procedures and more.
“The site has been created to offer honest opinion, insightful investigation and real advocacy for disabled people. In order to deliver that, we want consultation with as wide a net of people as possible, which is why we have created the survey to be completed by people with a disability, their families and carers, to set our agenda for the future,” said Mr. Reardon.
Vision Australia has supported Mr. Reardon, with equipment modifications for his employment, as well as the online accessible library service i-access and, five years ago he was matched with his Seeing Eye Dog Charlie.
“I have lived in many parts of Australia including Perth, Melbourne and now Tasmania. What I really like about Seeing Eye Dogs Australia is they are a national organisation. If I need help after I have moved states, they can still support me. I talk to the same people. It is very reassuring,” he said.
Seeing Eye Dogs Australia is a division of Vision Australia.
To find out more about the new website visit www.mydisabilitymatters.com.au.