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NSW VIP Travel Passes are being renewed.

An update on the VIP Pass, the Opal card, and the magnetic stripe pass that allows access through electronic gates is provided.

What is the Opal card?

The Opal card is a smart card that will eventually replace tickets on the public transport network. The card is loaded with credit and the travel fare is deducted when it is touched against a card reader located at or near the electronic railway or ferry gates, or inside the door of a bus.

VIP Pass holders do not need to load the Opal card with credit as travel is free. The incorporation of the VIP Pass free travel into the Opal card is understood to be some time off.

Renewal of VIP Passes and magnetic stripe cards

As there is not yet an Opal card incorporating the free travel element, if you are a holder of the VIP Pass you must renew the pass as instructed in the letter you received.

If you did not receive a renewal letter or you are unable to complete and return the renewal form independently please contact the Passes and Concessions Office on 1300 548 828. The Office will help you renew your VIP Pass over the phone.

If you are in the age category where a new photograph is required, you will need to make arrangements to obtain a photograph and provide it to the Passes and Concessions Office.

Magnetic strip cards will be renewed automatically. Your current magnetic card should be kept.

What is a magnetic stripe card?

The magnetic stripe card opens the electronic gates or the wide access gates at train or ferry stations.

Following advocacy by blindness sector organisations (Vision Australia, Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and Blind Citizens Australia), Transport for NSW will, upon request, issue a VIP Pass holder with a temporary magnetic stripe card.

The magnetic stripe card will be replaced by the Opal card once the free travel elements are incorporated into the Opal card system.

Obtaining a magnetic stripe card

All VIP pass holders are eligible to receive a magnetic stripe card. VIP Pass holders with ‘attendant’ endorsed on the pass may receive two magnetic stripe cards to allow both people through the gates.

To obtain a magnetic card call the Passes and Concessions Office on 1300 548 828.

Accessing electronic gates and using the magnetic stripe card 

While the magnetic stripe card acts as a ticket for the purposes of opening the electronic gates, it is the VIP Pass which is the legal passage. Thus a current VIP pass must be carried at all times when travelling.

Please note that the magnetic stripe card is designed to be used in the current ticket readers at the electronic gates, rather than the Opal card readers.

Locating ticket readers

The ticket readers in railway stations are located to the right of each electronic gate entrance at about hip height.

It is recommended that VIP Pass holders continue to use the wide access gates. These gates open in both directions at all times, unlike other electronic gates.

Using a magnetic stripe card

The magnetic stripe cards are rectangular in shape, with a hole punched in one corner. One long edge of the card has a rough texture. The opposite long edge has a thin black coloured magnetic strip.

Visually, the underside of the card has a white background. The upper side has a blue background with a large black arrow opposite the punched hole indicating the direction to insert the card.

Orient the card so that the edge with the rough texture is upper most on the left side and the punched hole is away from you on the left. Visually this will be blue side up.

Locate the slot on the front side of the ticket reader towards the top and insert the card hole first and rough side up.

The card will be drawn into the machine. The card will exit through a second slot on the top surface of the machine about a forearms length along. At the same time the electronic gate will open.

Remove the card and walk through the gate.

When travelling with an attendant, they will need to use the second magnetic stripe card which is marked ‘Vision Impaired Attendant Pass’.


It is recognised that for some travellers who are blind or have low vision, the use of these magnetic stripe cards may present some difficulties. However, it is only intended to be an interim solution to access the electronic gates.

If you have any questions please contact

Susan Thompson, Advocacy Advisor on (02) 9334-3425