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The NSW Hunter NDIS trial site will follow the lead of Barwon with service providers cleared to supply people's contact details directly to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) without breaching privacy laws.

The move follows action by the NDIA in October 2013 to remove the consent form requirement for potential NDIS participants in the Barwon region of Victoria.

As this did not breach existing Victorian law, the NDIA in Barwon was able to get in touch with people with disability, their families and carers, using contact details supplied by service providers, including Vision Australia.

NSW has now given the green light for the Hunter branch of the NDIA to follow suit.

Given the delays experienced in the first six months of transition, Vision Australia and other disability service organisations, are supportive of streamlining the arduous consent process.

The new process will also assist in ensuring that no eligible person inadvertently misses out on registering for the NDIS.